Thursday, November 20, 2008

Technoloy aids communication in the field of health care

Progressive States Network. (2007). Head [image] Retreived November 26, 2008.
So here it is.......................................
In my opinion, technology is helping communication barriers in health care. I believe this for the following reasons. Electronic charting has helped in communication between nursing staff because it allows every nurse to work to a standard and helps in communicating patient outcomes properly and efficiently. Also, with electronic charting, other areas of the hospital become connected via the computer. To explain, doctor can enter in the electronic system what meds a patient needs and the pharmacy can be connected to that system as well. This ensures accurate information is communicated properly to both areas of the hospital. As well, nursing staff are able to view the meds that have been prescribed and administer them to the patient accurately. Electronic charting minimizes communication errors greatly.

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